
Tips on buying boat propellers

A boat that has the right boat props will function properly for many years and provide one with many hours of fun and enjoyment. Boat props, more commonly known as boat propellers, help to steer the boat and give it sufficient power to run properly. The type of propeller chosen will depend on what type of boat one has and which activities the boat is used for.

Choosing the Right Material

A good propeller will be made from either sand cast aluminum or stainless steel. Stainless steel propellers are in fact the best, but they are quite expensive. Aluminum propellers are well made and will last for many years, even though they are not as high quality as stainless steel propellers.

What Should be Considered When Choosing a Propeller?

Before buying a propeller, check the owner's manual to see which type of propeller is recommended. The owner's manual will detail what the diameter and pitch of the propeller should be. It will also note whether the propeller should turn to the right or the left and whether a three or four blade propeller should be used.

boat propellers

The weight of the boat will determine how high or low the pitch should be. "Pitch" is the measurement of how much a boat moves when the propeller turns one full time. The lighter the boat is, the higher the pitch should be. It should be noted that the heavier the boat is, the stronger the propeller will need to be. Most heavy recreational boats use stainless steel propellers, although aluminum propellers are by far more widely used.

One should also check the engine shaft before buying a new propeller and see what shape it is made in. The propeller hub may be cylindrical, conical, radius, or barreled in shape and it is important that the hub fits properly onto the engine shaft. The propeller should also turn in the same direction as the shaft.

There are so many boat props on the market that it can be hard to know which one to purchase. First of all, one will want to make sure the propeller is the right size and make for the boat. One will then want to find a prop brand name and model that is known to be high quality.

Contact the experts at Deep Blue Yacht Supply to help you get the perfect propeller for your boat.